19/11/23 - Google Play Store search problems (Android)
For some reason (under investigation), a search for "sight words practice" (without quotes) on the Google Play app does not show the SWP app in the search results.
If you cannot find SWP on the Google Play Store, please use this link:
Sight Words Practice app on the Google Play Store
You may also find that a search for "sight words practice" (with double quotes) is successful.
27/07/23 - Version 1.5 released (Android)
Version 1.5 allows the app to run on Android 13.
14/03/21 - iOS Version available
The app is now available for download (free!) from the app store to run on Apple iPhones and iPads.
Note that the version numbers (1.4) are the same for both iOS and Android.
20/11/20 - Version 1.4 released
In Version 1.4, two further builtin lists have been added: "Alphabet sounds" (a, b, c, ...) and "Consonant blend sounds" (bl, br, cl, ...). Note that the sounds in these two lists are not generated by the speech synthesizer, but are recordings made by Read Easy Winchester's literary specialist.
Another new feature in V1.4 is the ability to add your own recordings for sounds and words. This may be useful if you want to add to the existing sound recordings or you come across a word which you feel is not pronounced correctly by the speech synthesizer.
29/06/20 - Version 1.3 released
Version 1.3 adds a facility for installing "builtin" lists. In particular, all the sight words in the Turning Pages manuals designed by the Shannon Trust are built in to the app. Sight words from each of the five manuals may be installed via the "Install builtin lists" panel.